Poster & Teaser Trailer Available Now - What Death Leaves Behind

Directed by 

 Scott A. Hamilton 

 Written by 

 Scott A. Hamilton, Rachel Frasier Ofori, Nico Giampietro, & Chad Morton 


 Christopher Mann, Vincent Young, Erin O’Brien, Johnny Alonso, Kelly Dowdle, Alexandra Tydings, Shaira Barton, & Khalil McMillian 


 After a kidney transplant, Jake Warren experiences reoccurring nightmares he believes to be visions of his donor's violent murder, sending him on a dark path of deranged vengeance, leading to an unbearable truth. 

 Social Media 


 "What Death Leaves Behind takes viewers on a Hitchcockian journey" 
 Blasting News 

 "This is a cerebral film that will touch everyone who views it" 
 Monda Raquel Webb, Film Director Little Known Stories Productions 

 Teaser Trailer 

 Vimeo Link 

What Death Leaves Behind - Teaser from Smash Entertainment on Vimeo.
